Monday, February 7, 2011

Torn From the Headlines

This just in: small, landlocked East African nation embarks on bizarre campaign to garner international recognition by generating negative press….

In case you haven’t been raptly following the Malawian news, I’m not talking about Madonna reneging on her pledge to build a girls academy near the capitol (yeah, the villagers of Chinkhota who were kicked off their land are pissed) I’m talking about the controversial Local Courts Bill of 2010, the one which the Minister of Justice claimed would make farting a criminal offense.

Of course there was an immense media flap (even the BBC picked up the story) but it appears the air has been cleared, so to speak: Dr. Chaponda has withdrawn his claim that the law (the actual text of which reads “any person who vitiates the atmosphere…”) should be interpreted to include the maligned yet familiar “trouser cough.”

Looks like we can all breathe a sigh of relief… just not through the nose.

1 comment:

  1. OMG- thi mean certain family members may take pause before considering a visit .............hilarious post...this is what they are doing while avoiding the nutrient fortification legislation?
